Some of the amazing Unschoolers

Portuguese Retreat, 2024

When you learn European Portuguese Outside The Box, you are bound to have

#iupiii moments every week!

Lots of them!
"Iupiii" ("yipee" in English) is just a silly word.
But it means a lot to a Portuguese unschooler:

a new word learnt in context

a stress-free phone call

hearing words, instead of "noise"

feeling like you belong because you understood a joke

#iupiiis from the Portuguese Unschoolers:

Unschooler: A. from Romania

Background: 7 years trying to learn Portuguese on and off

Just after...

2,5 months with us
"Today we invited our Portuguese neighbours for coffee, since we're going to Sweden and spend the whole Summer there. We managed to speak in Portuguese [about architecture] for about half an hour before we had to switch to English."
4 months with us
"I watched the movie "Air" dubbed to European Portuguese, albeit with Portuguese subtitles, but I think I got most of it!"

Unschooler: E. from USA

Background: a handful of 1on1 lessons

Just after...

1 week with us
"I have seen a noticeable improvement! Someone commented my I had better pronunciation.

At the café I overheard a woman correct her order (I didn't actually understand all the words, but I felt like I understood all the words), so I laughed along with the barista. I felt part of the group, if that makes sense.

The Live Chats are fabulous!!! You have created an amazing school. I'm in awe of your dedication and depth of knowledge!!"
9 months with us
"My iupiii has been travelling around to small towns with my sister and it's amazing how much Portuguese I understood and was able to respond to. My sister is vegetarian and I couldn't let her eat French fries and salad for 2 weeks. I would explain she didn't eat meat or fish and the cook would make her a special vegetarian dish.

I was also amazed at how clearly enunciated the language is outside of the Lisbon area and how much people want to chat. I even had a 10 minute conversation with a baker in Marvão

Catarina's method definitely works.

Oh, I never used a translator app even once (quite frankly, I forgot I had one!)."

Unschooler: M. from The Netherlands

Background: complete beginner

Just after...

3 months with us
Exchanged these messages with her Portuguese lawyer on WhatsApp:

"Esqueci-me de fazer a transferência xxx€.
Vou fazer hoje.


Eu já fiz a transferência."
1 year with us
"While talking to the neighbour about the weather, a lovely sunny day, I had the opportunity to reply with "pois, está dsol, mas está um frio de rachar lá fora."

It was received with a roaring laughter and clapping that I am becoming a true portuguesa and many repeats of my sentence."

Unschooler: M. from USA

Background: 2 years of lessons

Just after...

1 month with us
"The change in my attitude to learning Portuguese since joining TLU is huge. For 2 years I have been stumbling around in the dark, learning sooo slowly. I am glad I have a foundation of basic grammar and vocabulary, and I now can see a small light in the distance. I am no longer in complete darkness and I see a way forward. Learning is still challenging, but it is more fun. I feel I am reading, writing, listening, speaking a bit every day." 
1 year with us
"Catarina gave me a great tip for having a conversation with a local friend.
When we met this week, I brought a photo album I made after a trip to Canada and that gave our conversation a focus.
Normally, she wants to tell me something complicated and speaks English.
So we chatted about the photos for over an hour, and only used English when I didn't know the PT word, or when she corrected me with a better phrase: example I said "o próximo dia..." and she said "no dia seguinte" is better when telling a story."

Unschooler: W. from Poland

Background: 7 months of lessons

Just after...

1 month with us
"The introduction to how the language works is really helpful. 
The first videos in the "600 words" series were quite difficult for me. I couldn't understand individual words, but with each subsequent video my understanding got better and better

For the last few I was able to write almost 100% of the text after the second hearing

The stories are presented in an interesting way in everyday language

Portuguese Start has given me a lot of confidence
3 months with us
"1. Yesterday have spend 1hr in bank in Lisbon dealing with company account - everthing in Português. There were some funny situations but mission accomplished.
2/ Almost one hour in restaurant with two unknown retired Portuguese couple during a lunch - managed to carry conversation. There were funny moments that we have laughed over my Português. 
3/ I was asked yesterday 3x how do I know and how long I am learning Português...
4/ Amazingly, in simple conversations, I'm understanding what people say (at least seems like)
5/ For the first time being in Portugal everthing is talking to me - adds, street signs, stores, some phrases in the metro 🙂
Catarina, connected speech really works!
Thank you for your guidance!" 

Unschooler: A. from USA

Background: 2 months of lessons

Just after...

1 month with us
"After doing the TedTalk exercise, I decided to listen to a few more talks in Portuguese. I didn't use subtitles, just closed my eyes and listened. I am thrilled to report I recognized many swallowed words and phrases and I understood maybe 1/3 of what was said."
3 months with us
"Christmas week we were at the praça and stopped into a quaint cerâmica loja. The onwer was a very elegant woman and she greeted us in Portuguese. I replied in Portuguese and immediately told her we just arrived a few weeks earlier and that I am practicing speaking in Portuguese. the conversation remained completely in Portuguese. The woman asked me if I understood what she was telling me and I replied "yes, and if you speak a bit slower I can understand everything, but I told her to please not use "Cinderella Portuguese" like they do on the news. She laughed, and knew exactly what I meant. We spoke for over 15 minutes. She told me about the 2 artists that create all the pottery for the shop. Before we left, I asked what her favorite restaurant was in town. She gave me the name and directions on how to get there from her shop. I felt victorious!!"
4 months with us
"iupiii for me is related to comprehensible input impact on my comprehension.
I have been listening to the radio on the way to and from my morning swim. For the last few weeks I have picked up the gist of the various conversations, but still had trouble hearing words when they were using connected speech. Today I had a wow moment not once, but twice. Before swimming I listened to my youtuber. She did an 11 minute talk, and afterwards I realized that I was hearing the individual words even though she was using connected speech- a lot! And to top it off, I had the same aha moment while in the car listening to the radio. I am starting to hear the individual words, not just a long sound all mushed together!!"

Unschooler: U. from Nigeria

Background: 9 months of lessons

Just after...

3 weeks with us
"I’ve been doing an internship at the health center. I basically sit with the doctor in his office and listen to patients talk in Portuguese all day. After each consultation I have to explain to him mostly in English about what I understood from the consultation. In the beginning, I never understood anything but now I have a lot to say about each consultation that the doctor doesn’t have to explain the consultation to me."
3 months with us
"I passed the exam [oral medical exam!!]! I’m not sure the grade but they said I passed. I’m so happy! Thank you so much. ☺"

Unschooler: P. from USA

Background: 9 months of lessons

Just after...

2 months with us
"My iupii is enjoying that, with repeated exposure to listening to small chunks, my brain is finally beginning to take over comprehension of small segments. The brain begins to just recognize some sound combinations to make meaning without super conscious effort. Maybe similar to when we recognize a familiar song when we hear only the first few notes."
4 months with us
"When my neighbours had dinner with us, I understood much better than last time [6 weeks earlier]."

She just before that we had a 45-minute conversation 99% in Portuguese!!

Unschooler: C. from Japan

Background: 6 months of lessons

Just after...

2 weeks with us
"My apartment has many problems, and the repair workers often come in for the tasks. This has been going on for many months. The leader of the workers doesn’t speak English at all, not even “yes” or “no”. In the past, I had to use a translation app on the phone all the times just for the bare minimum talk. 
Lately, I started to speak in Portuguese, although not 100% of times, and he is clearly becoming comfortable to talk with me. That’s my iupiii."
4 months with us
"Earlier this week I had an occasion to be in a share-ride for about 20 mins. A Portuguese driver, of course, spoke slowly for me, but we were able to carry simple conversations, sometimes fragmented and other times picking up the words easily, for the 20 mins ride. He told me about his upcoming vacation to Brazil with his wife. It was an environment that required my spontaneity, and I felt very good afterwards."
15 months with us
"Yesterday, I saw my good Portuguese friend for the first time in several months. I told her what I had learned and some Portuguese expressions, including what I had learned at the Live Chat in the morning. She was impressed and intrigued much, and said “tell me more”. Randomly, I said phrases such as ; vou andando, não dá, refilona, mandona, sei lá, etc. By the way, she sometimes calls me ...inha (diminutive of my Japanese name, which she started to use some time ago). It was fun showing off 😜 the words/phrases that are not easily found in the textbooks, but I also felt and sensed warm connection with her. It was a huge iuppiii!"

Unschooler: F. from The Netherlands

Background: learnt to speak Portuguese in 3 months while living in Moçambique 30 years ago

Just after...

1 month with us
After doing the course from the start, while reading (audio)books and writing beautifully in Portuguese already:

"Last night we had dinner with my Portuguese friend with whom I usually talk in Dutch, but on my request we're talking Portuguese nowadays (when we're alone). On the same occasion I met an old colleague, a cook, and he's from Portugal as well, and of course we talked Portuguese together (this happened all in the centre of Amsterdam!)."
3,5 months with us
"After we had landed in Portugal, my Mozambican friend phoned me out of the blue, and we had a long conversation in Portuguese (I hinted: ‘Aren’t you delighted that we no longer speak English to each other?’, to which she responded: ‘I am, and I knew you weren’t going to forsake your Mozambican base!’ 😊).
This morning, I had a long exchange with the wonderful owner of a tiny eco shop. We talked about many other things too, and I just felt so grateful for being able to converse so effortlessly.
Last September, it was still before enrolling in the course, I made a resolve, i.e. to just follow my heart and go for the language I love.I already shared this with Catarina, but will share it here again: 'Passei a manhã a falar português. Ultrapassei a 100% a minha crítica interior. A mulher perguntou-me se eu era tradutora!'"

Unschooler: K. from the USA

Background: some Portuguese via an audio course

2 months with us
"I used to feel somewhat lost when someone tried to speak Portuguese to me. Now when I hear it, I can definitely pic out words and phrases, and understand some of the meaning of what's being said. I'm also starting to be able to make some deductions based on the structure and sounds of the words. A big improvement from where I started!"
4 months with us
"I had to post this. I arrived in Lisbon yesterday afternoon and am here to look at apartments. I failed at checking myself into the hotel in Portuguese (there was some complexity about room cleaning that I didn’t understand and the person switched to English.) I also failed at getting through dinner only in Portuguese (I thought I had ordered correctly but they sent over their English speaking waiter to confirm which beer I wanted.)
But then it happened. I went to see an apartment and the real estate agent spoke no English. Like near zero. So I started trying to speak in Portuguese and HE COULD UNDERSTAND ME! And I understood almost everything he said! I was even able to ask questions about expanding a living room and cabinets in the garage! I’m sure it wasn’t perfect but we had a fine visit and I got all my questions answered. I didn’t like the apartment at all but being able to communicate with him was definitely the highlight of my day."

Unschooler: T. from the Indonesia

Background: A2 level from Government course and some B1 self-study book

2 months with us
Managed to help Portuguese people in Spain charging their Tesla, and so new friends were made.
6 months with us
"Last week, on the flight to San Miguel (the Açores), I was sitting next to a gentleman that had a puppy with him in a pet carrier. Having done shadowing multiple times in Cena 3, I didn't have to think too much to start a conversation about his dog and our cat (we do not have hamsters, but it was easy to substitute 'hamsters' with 'gato' 😊).
At the guest house, we always saw this group of 4 people at breakfast. One day, we ran into them again at the tea plantation and I actually approached them and started a conversation. Having talked about my background, my education, my career etc. with Catarina in the live-chat and with Diana at DeeTalks, it actually felt natural to engage in a conversation with them."

"On the way home [from a bus trip to Spain], it occurred to me that your mission statement at the Language Unschool truly makes sense to me now: to help your students find their voice in European Portuguese.  Before Unschool I knew enough to navigate my way through appointments at the IMT, going to the Junta de Freguesia, etc., but I never had the confidence to casually approach someone, my neighbors, others at the gym, a group of tourists, and just talk to them. Now I do, because the voice is there."

Unschooler: J. from the Czech Republic

Background: complete beginner (knew Spanish)

3 months with us
"I pushed myself out of my comfort zone by attending uma festa here in Calheta yesterday evening. Even though I initially wanted to leave very soon, I stayed and had a few VERY short and basic conversations with my neighbour and her friends. In one moment my neighbour offered me "dar-me boleia", which I absolutely didn't understand at the moment. But when she explained me in a different way, I remembered this expression from the Live Chat ;-)"
5 months with us
"iupiii #1: I was so lucky to be the only one in Tuesday’s live chat with Catarina, and we spoke entirely in Portuguese [for an hour and a half!!]. I managed to tell her my whole story about how and why I moved to Madeira with only our younger son, along with many other things, and I felt really proud of myself.

iupiii #2: Thanks to my neighbour Lucy, who is always very friendly and kind to me and speaks to me in portunholovenezuelano 😅 (but I keep speaking Portuguese), I attended my first rehearsal with a local choir. Before the rehearsal, I spoke for about five minutes with a few other members. Even though they started in English, I asked them to continue in Portuguese. Apparently, I didn’t say anything too silly or rude, because they accepted me into the choir 😉 I will now attend rehearsals twice a week. I am so happy to have this first real opportunity to use Portuguese regularly!"

If you tend to do things differently...
are tired of not understanding the Portuguese...
want to feel at home in Portuguese and in Portugal... AND ARE READY TO START?

What does it feel like to learn Portuguese à la Unschooling?

"The Language Unschool was invaluable in preparing me for the CIPLE A2 examination. Having completed the exam, I can see how every one of the lessons is designed to give TLU “Unschoolers” exactly what they need to succeed, on that test and in everyday interactions in Portuguese. I have been consistently impressed with the degree of preparation Catarina brings to every Live Chat — which are amazingly helpful sessions, since I learn from watching other Unschoolers as well as from my own participation.

You could say I’m a model Unschooler, since I have been a dedicated self-directed language learner of Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian since 2016 — but I needed Catarina to catapult me to a new level of comprehension. Despite 80 online tutoring sessions, over a dozen planned language exchanges with native speakers and countless Portuguese interactions over four years of living in Portugal, in only two months with TLU I learned tips and insights about spoken Portuguese that made immediate improvements in my comprehension.

I chose to study with Catarina because she doesn’t sugar-coat the situation: The Portuguese garble their words, and she can, too! But her experience of deeply studying and speaking a dozen languages means she knows the pitfalls of language learning, and can easily guide students of various cultures to avoid the misunderstandings particular to their background." 
Michèle, USA
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"I have been an Unschooler for six months now. Before joining the course, I had been learning Portuguese intermittently for about a year. I had also completed a government-sponsored beginner’s Portuguese course. By then, I had acquired some basic knowledge of Portuguese: I could order at restaurants or have simple interactions with cashiers, but that was about it. For a while, I felt “lost.” My self-study was haphazard, and any progress came very slowly.

I discovered Catarina through her YouTube videos. What drew me to her content was her natural way of speaking—she uses Portuguese the way people around me do, without the slowed-down, simplified, or exaggerated enunciation. This was exactly the Portuguese I wanted to understand. I also appreciate her teaching style; her passion for languages and her skill as a linguist shine through in each video.

From the very beginning, Catarina showed genuine interest in my learning approach, my interests, and how she could support my progress. She is fully invested in each of her students and has an incredible memory for what we have discussed in past sessions. Although the course is self-paced, Catarina is always just a message or email away, ready to help with any questions. It truly feels like having a personal tutor guiding you in your learning journey.

Catarina’s approach covers all aspects of language acquisition—listening comprehension, reading, writing, and speaking—so that whatever learning style you prefer, be it auditory, visual, or tactile, she can help you succeed. For example, I am a tactile learner who learns best by writing what I want to express. In other online courses, learning through writing has been challenging because instructor feedback is often limited. With Catarina, I simply send her my writing, and she responds with thorough corrections, detailed suggestions for improving sentence flow, word choice, and more.

In the six months I’ve studied with Catarina, my Portuguese has improved by leaps and bounds. My listening comprehension, writing skills, and confidence in speaking Portuguese have all grown significantly. For the first time since picking up my first Portuguese book, I truly believe that one day I will attain fluency!"
Tony, Indonesia
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"I found Catarina quite by chance, on YouTube. She was very funny and it was immediately apparent she loved language learning.
I became a student last October [2023]. I haven’t looked back since.
Besides talking about how much fun it is at her school, I wanted to share a bit about how I feel about my learning journey.
I am never alone. Catarina took the time to get to know me, really know what motivates me, what my interests were, what my learning style was. I feel I am always supported. I can reach out day or night and ask a question, get clarification, or simply say hi. I always get my questions answered. And in those moments when I am frustrated Catarina gets me out of my funk and points me in the right direction. 
I’ve never experienced a teacher like Catarina, nor a learning environment like she has created here at The Language Unschool
I am now conversational and am headed to fluency
Thank you Catarina!"
Amy, USA
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"The little Portuguese I had picked up thirty years ago had been getting more and more rusty, but — time-pressured and habitually stressed —I felt reluctant to enrol in a formal course
However, Catarina’s unique approach to (un)learning convinced me. To me, one of The Language Unschool’s characteristics that stand out is its tailor-made support. Catarina seems to be aware of everyone’s challenges and pitfalls, and she’s truly one of the loveliest and most supportive teachers I know." 
Flor, The Netherlands
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"I started the The Language Unschool program with Catarina a few months ago.  
I had tried other courses, but wasn’t progressing in understanding the spoken language and speaking. 
Catarina’s Unschool program focuses on how the language is really spoken in a fun way
What really makes the program different is the personal attention students receive.
The course not only includes multiple live sessions during the week but also detailed feedback on writing and audio samples that you are encouraged to submit. (I always receive a response either the same day or the next day.)    
For the live sessions, Catarina prepares material specifically for what you want to focus on. There is so much personal attention.  
In a few months [3 months] I really noticed a difference in my listening comprehension and pronunciation.  
I highly recommend Catarina’s The Language Unschool program." 

Deborah, USA
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"I grew up in the UK in the 1980's when languages were not taught in school beyond the basic level.
By the time we were of an age to select options for G.C.S.E., I , like most people had already given up on my rudimentary Spanish. Worse, the education system of the time did not teach basic rules of grammar, as, we were told, you should be able to read, write, speak etc without it! Typical British.... ;-)
 Consequently, I had no basic understanding of the rules of language by the time I came to start learning another language, Arabic, at college. The grammar was simple and the tutor was patient, but again I didn't pursue it beyond the OCN Level II, because I wasn't using it. 
By the time I met my now Portuguese wife at University in London, I was grateful she was fluent in English, and as we were living in England, there was no urgent need to learn Portuguese. 
We decided to relocate permanently to Portugal in 2020 and it became apparent I better become at least semi-fluent and fast. 
I had tried various evening classes whilst living in the UK, but found my lack of grammar structure (which is why I mention previous academic history above) and the tutors' (plural) rigid rules of teaching wasn't working for me, even when I tried one to one on-line tuition.
Using the app Drops helped to a certain extent with vocabulary, but still left me frustrated in my own lack of ability to communicate
My wife found Catarina's Unschool for me, and after an initial 45 minute free consultation, I realised this was my best hope of larning Portuguese at my own pace, in my own quirky way, and without pressure of a 40 hour intensive course I know other expats have tried through classes provided by local councils to get the certificate level required for permanent residency (again I count myself fortunate both in being married to a Portuguese spouse, which somewhat negates that requirement), but I am also grateful that Catarina's Unschool approach allows me to work through the on-line tutorials at my own pace.
I am also discovering along the way she has provided masses of material available for her Unschoolers, that for the first time I feel like I am making real progress without feeling pressured. 
Catarina's approach provides plenty of support when needed.
I should also say I have Dyspraxia, a neuro-developmental organisational learning difference. This makes me the worst student to try and teach, because I work in a holistic way and do not stick to organised programmes or rules, grammatical or otherwise.
With the Speakfool and individual zoom calls with Catarina, I feel I can see real progress in my Portuguese, even starting to write a few sentences, which I had not previously been able to construct alone. 
The continuous access without a time constraint of other organised courses has worked best for me, and will work for others, even if by just taking off that pressure of a 40 hour commitment of other courses, I am now confidently reading the books in Portuguese I need to write my own (English language) museum guide for Portugal. I am certainly grateful that Catarina has the skills and resources to support me in the way I work best.
Trust me, if she can teach me, she can teach anybody! 
Thank you Catarina. 😊

Keith, UK

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Do you want to have the FREEDOM to converse with anyone about the weather or philosophy?

Will you be my next Portuguese Unschooler?