Here's my free lesson:
Get to Grips with European Portuguese
à la Unschooling. Enjoy!

If you're ready to become a Portuguese Unschooler, I strongly invite you to book a call below. Now that you've spent some time listening to me, it's my turn to get to know you better and see if my approach is the best way for you to find your voice in Portuguese.

In this training you will learn:

#Listen | #Enjoy | #Speak | #Enjoy the ride


Before you even enter the 'house' of Portuguese.
Why is European Portuguese considered "difficult"?


Start by training your ears.
Make it sound familiar.
How can the Queen of Portuguese help you?


Why grammar is there to guide you, not rule you.
Learn shortcuts to get to grips with Portuguese grammar.


Find out if there's an unschooler in you.
Is the unschooling approach right for you?

10 foreign languages.
Now back to the first.

Olá, sou a Catarina
My dad says I only started talking when I was three, which means I spent three years and a few months (in utero) practically just listening. I continued throughout life with my hyper listening skills and learnt ten more languages*.

Some I can speak better than others (one needs time for daily chores too, right?), but the amazing thing is I can understand some Russian and Macedonian, even though I never studied them. After almost 15 years living abroad, I am now back in Portugal, rediscovering my own language. I'm ready to help YOU find your voice in Portuguese. Shall we?

*before you ask... that's English, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Frisian, German, Mandarin.
Write your awesome label here.